
Here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Turtle Swim School swimming lessons.

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

What happens if it rains?

Lessons will always run through rain unless there is severe weather in which case lessons will be cancelled and held on a different day.  Keep an eye on our Facebook page.


What happens if we miss a lesson?

If you miss a lesson due to sickness only please contact Helene turtleswimschool@gmail.com and arrange a makeup.


How long are the classes?

Classes are 20 minutes, 30 minutes or 45 minutes for squad level.


How many children are in each class?

Maximum 4 children for the classes that are 20 minutes long and 6 for 30 minute classes.


What age do you start children?

PAPAMOA – Babies can start from approximately 4 months old.


Do you do private lessons?

YES we do!  I often find that having a 1:1 or 1:2 is a great way to get over a hurdle or work with beginners who are very anxious about entering the water.  I also work with a lot of children with disabilities as there is not as much sensory overload here at Turtle Swim School


Where do you run your swimming lessons?

During spring / summer /autumn, swimming lessons are run from Turtle Swims School’s purpose built, outdoor, salt water swimming pool in Papamoa.


Turtle Swim School offers affordable swimming lessons in Papamoa and Tauranga. You or your children will learn to swim with an award winning, highly experienced and qualified swim teacher.
Book in or enquire to start your swimming journey with Helene!






Our swimming lessons run from:
• 120 Pacific View Road, Papamoa, Tauranga

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